Thursday, November 17, 2011

Nutritious Nuts to Crack

Nut Butter with Natural Solutions 


Each month we stumble upon promotional holidays that highlight a particular product or cause. One of those holidays declared November as “National Peanut Butter Month.” This caught our attention as we love peanut butter, as well as other nut-butter alternatives that can pack just as much protein. You could say
Natural Solutions is a little nuts about nuts around here!A Better Butter
Peanut butter may pack plenty of protein, fiber, and stick-to-your-ribs satisfaction, but to reap the diverse health benefits of nature’s nuts and seeds, you’ll have to look beyond the standard jar of Skippy. Although most nuts and seeds share similar qualities, each boasts its own nutritional perks—from fat-burning potential to cancer protection—that become concentrated when the nuts are ground into butters. “They contain protein, unsaturated fats, and antioxidants, and are naturally low in carbs,” says Leonard Ram, MD, author of the
Ram Nut Diet (Ram Nutrition, 2005). The following guide will help match the right nut butter to your health needs.
Nuts to You
As a kid, Richard Mahler had always been a nut about nuts. Then he grew up and was told that nuts are salty and fattening, and for a while, did his best to snack on carrots and celery instead. But, he says, those days are done: “I’m back to devouring nuts. Yes, they’re laden with fat—a mere handful contains around 200 calories—but I now know they’re fats that are good for me. In fact, the formerly naysaying experts have come full circle, and now are encouraging us to eat nuts on a regular basis.” Good Nuts to Crack
Wish you could ditch your snack attacks? Maybe you don’t need to after all. Research shows munching on smaller meals throughout the day can actually help you shed pounds—but only if you choose wisely. “Nuts are a compact way of getting a lot of nutrition,” says Marietta Amatangelo, RD, an integrative nutritionist at George Washington University’s Center for Integrative Medicine in Washington, DC. From almonds to pistachios, tasty munchies to boost your health.
Peanut Butter Balls
This delicious dessert will have you wanting more! Try our recipe for peanut butter balls.

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