Friday, June 24, 2011

Anger Is Never A Good Companion

Anger is never a good
companion and it could kill you!
There is an oriental saying that goes like this:  “You will not be punished for your anger.  You will be punished by your anger”. 
Our physical processes is a reflection of our mental and emotional persona.  This means that each mental phenomenon is an expression of a physical process.  The law of nature indicates the health or diseases which affect one aspect of our life, also affects other aspects of life. In other words,  our mental, emotional and physical are all interconnected.

Being aware of the health hazards of being angry may help us in avoiding the physical consequences that result from our anger. Consider the following physical implications of anger:
The brain, as the control center of the body, processes all emotional stress.  Millions of nerve fibers release chemicals to every organ in the body, controlling all chemical reactions.  Emotional upsets can disrupt these reactions in organs, and cause disease.

During moments of anger, stress hormones known as adrenaline and noradrenalin, are released into the body.  These chemicals are responsible for maintaining heart rate, blood pressure and regulating the pancreas that controls the sugar balance in our blood.  As a result of anger, the average heart rate of 80 climbs to 180 beats per minute.  The average blood pressure of 120 over 80 suddenly soars to 220 over 130, and sometimes even higher.  Breathing becomes more rapid in order to get more oxygen into the body.  The energy burst causes a deficiency of sugar in the blood and the angry person may begin to physically shake.  The muscles that are needed to fight or flee then become very tight.

As the body prepares for survival, it automatically begins to safeguard itself against possible injury and bleeding.  In an angry person’s body, chemicals are released which will cause the blood to coagulate or clot, even if there is no physical injury to the person.  Once the clot is formed, it has the potential of traveling through the blood vessels to the brain or heart where the possibility of stroke or heart attack will then exist.

A Scottish Surgeon, by the name of John Hunter is considered the founder of pathological anatomy and was considered the world’s greatest physiologists and surgeon. He at one time made a commented that anger would cause his death.  In his later years, Hunter suffered many ailments, but it was his angry flared temper that caused his death in 1793 from a heart attack after a heated debate and bitter attack on a fellow colleague.

The following are possible symptoms of uncontrolled anger:
>Circulation problems from anger include an oxygen depleted heart which causes severe chest pains, also know as Angina pectoris.
>Uncontrollable anger may also cause a brain artery to burst, resulting in a stroke.
Arguments and verbal duels can be factors in elevated blood pressure.
>Spasms in the neck and head muscles may contribute to tension headaches, migraines and, even, insomnia.

In discussion of anger as it pertains to our metabolism, we first need to understand what we mean by metabolism.  Meta, in Greek, means change.  Ismos, in Greek, means the sum of all physical and chemical changes that take place within an organism.  It is possible then for our metabolism to be affected by the chemical imbalance created by our anger induced stress.  Anger produces acids in our stomach and, in turn, makes us more prone to developing stomach ulcers.

These are only a few of the risk, people with uncontrolled anger may face.  When we consistently remain in a state of heightened “survival mode”, all of our senses are heightened, including our sensitivity to noise, light, smells, and even touch.  Such long-term hormonal imbalances affect our body’s immune system which explains why people that are chronically angry are more susceptible to colds, the flu, infections, asthma and upper respiratory illnesses.

Individuals who carry anger around in their back pocket often find a substitute for their unhappiness by overeating, smoking, and drinking in excess.  These people are prone to depression, which may trigger even more angry responses.

Anger is a poisonous emotion.  Each moment you are angry, your heart races, your body tenses up, your mind shuts down and your immune system weakens. A life spent in anger and resentment is a life wasted.

Some quotes to leave you with:
“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.”  Buddha
“Anger will never disappear so long as thoughts of resentment are cherished in the mind.  Anger will disappear just as soon as thoughts of resentment are forgotten.”  Buddha   

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